BALANCE — Monday Motivational Meditation #391 — 2019-02-04

From Nursing Heart Inc on February 4, 2019; #391

Monday Motivational Meditation

Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein, 1879-1955

German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).

I know my life-work balance needs to be carefully attended to because without attention I can lose my equilibrium very quickly. My work life needs to be balanced with care for family and participation in the other social and pleasurable activities available to me. The attention keeps me healthy, and it serves my patients. When I lose my focus by thinking that everything depends on me and my work, people may suffer. Before climbing the steps or taking more things on, I should think about it.
The alertness, prudence, and care that I bring to my physical and emotional life are critical to staying healthy. When my intake of food is not balanced by energy use or exercise, my health can quickly become unbalanced. Even my diet itself needs a balance to keep equilibrium.
In my relationships, I need to keep a balance between the give and take. I cannot just give. I also have to receive. All of life is a dynamic process of keeping things on an even keel. There is a need for symmetry. The requirements of a place of healing are many, and the distribution of work requires a need to share responsibilities amongst a team so that the greatest good can be accomplished.
Divine Equilibrium, give me a desire to work for justice by finding the right balance in my life. Keep me alert and open to the give and take of the responsibilities before me while never losing heart and hope that the right proportions can be found. Let my efforts towards a balanced life never cease. AMEN.
ACTION: Consider your life-work balance. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate it? What things could you adjust right now? Who do you look to for advise? Reach out to them.
Dale and Rich with a new addition in their family, great-niece Berkeley!

About the Photographer
Dale Swartos is a Senior Speech and Language Pathologist at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital in Baltimore. Recently, Dale earned Certified Neonatal Therapist status. He and his husband, Rich, are busy with their extended family and working at their new home in Baltimore. Rich has just finished his tenure on the Board of Nursing Heart.
Dale writes, “I’ve noticed that a lot of photos I’ve taken lately are of doors, widows, stairs. I find myself curious about what is behind that door, where does that stair lead, who may be inside that window? It’s not unlike the questions Rich and I ask each other as we get older; ‘What’s around the next corner, what’s the next adventure?'”
It also seems an appropriate time for Nursing Heart to ask these questions especially in light of the transition we are entering. One step at a time is a good philosophy. We will see what’s waiting at the top of these “Steps” which is the name of this series as we start the New Year.
THIS WEEK’s PHOTO: Jodhpur, India

Friends of Nursing Heart and youngsters from the community at the completion of their project in Chigonzales.

Nursing Heart Friends,
What a week we’ve had and not only that, what a month we’ve had. Having our Board with us to bring it to a close was very special. In Chigonzales this Monday to Wednesday, we not only built and inaugurated the new comunitario with the community but also our relationship with them. All of this would not have been possible without our partners at Hombres y Mujeres en Acción. Stay tuned for our summary video next week. While there, the medical folks in the group conducted a wellness check for the 106 students in the school and supported the school in initiating a charting system for them.
Our Board meeting started off with a clinic at LAVOSI, the school for the deaf in Jocotenango. Each year for the past five years we have helped with a wellness check. This is always such a delight for us. The students may be deaf, but that does not stop them from being beautifully communicative.
Our Board meeting was a wonderful celebration of welcome to Jade Parker-Manderson who will take over as Executive Director in April and to reflect on all that has happened in the seven year history of our organization. We are bringing about an organization that will continue to bring much-needed health care services to the people of Guatemala with whom we partner. Take a look at more pictures of the week at and on Instagram.

Members of the Board and NHI/ACE staff at LAVOSI.
Quote of the Week
For guidance in my life and in my work,
I often depend on this offering from Parker Palmer:
“I’m convinced that a good life, both internally and externally,
is finding balance between chutzpah and humility.”
Sue Wheeler
St. Paul, Minnesota

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