To be deliberate about offering help to those in need, I have to weigh all the options carefully and consider all the ramifications of the different ways of approaching an issue. Sometimes it takes a good morning walk in the fog. It’s essential to back up my decisions with research that shows I’m on the right path. And, then, I also want to give my experience and intuition a chance to weigh in. Once the process is finished, I want to be confident that I’ve done all I could to inform myself and then move ahead confidently.
One of the critical components of deliberate care, especially if my patient is stable, is not to proceed hurriedly. Instead, I want my deliberations to be steady, slow and even. I want to do the investigating with a deliberate step and give myself permission to sift through things without being anxious.
Having the confidence to know that the right answer will surface in making decisions for my patients takes some work with myself. I have to sift my intentions, review the science, and know myself. Because I am a healer, I must first heal myself if I want to be deliberate in my caring for others.
Wisdom of the Ages, enhance my ability to be steady in my deliberations. Starting from within, give me the confidence to weigh all things and allow all sides to have a voice. Confident that what is right, helpful and true will surface, instill in me the courage to enter the journey toward healing and wholeness for all those I love and serve. AMEN.
ACTION: Consider how deliberate you are caring for others. If you’re on auto-pilot is it time to shake it up? Who can help you? What resources can you turn to bring new life and energies to your healing work? |