LEARNER — Monday Motivational Meditation #406 — 2019-05-20

From Nursing Heart Inc on May 20, 2019; #406

Monday Motivational Meditation

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

Henry Ford, 1863-1947


by Ron Noecker

Going down the path as a learner is an adventure of discovery. I like to think of myself more as a learner than a knower. It’s much more exciting. In a forest, there are things to discover, even fallen dead trees are teaming with micro-organisms and sprouting mushrooms. Life is a forest. I want to look at my work as a caregiver in the same way. I am a learner on a path of discovery with those in need of my assistance. I don’t have to know everything.

When I enter a patient’s room, assist my child, or advise a friend, I do it as a learner. It’s much more fun. Just because I know my patient’s diagnosis doesn’t mean I have all the answers to their disease process. I have to ask questions and become curious about what is happening for them. I have to open my eyes, ears, and, yes, sometimes, my nose. Come to think of it, that’s the way I want to be treated too. It’s not so fun when people have me all figured out.

There are things I want to keep in mind. I know that I have to get clear about the issue at hand. What do I want to learn? It is an act of kindness to clarify the problem before I start helping someone. There is a need for trust with those I support, and being a learner is a better way to grow the confidence as opposed to always knowing everything. As a leader, when learning is a priority, and being curious is demonstrated by members of my team, I want to affirm and even reward that behavior.

Omniscient Love, increase my comfort with understanding myself as a learner. May I be forever full of wonder about the intricacies of human life and the beauty of nature all around me. May the challenges I face be sparks of curiosity-igniting flames of possibility for all whom I encounter and offer assistance. AMEN.

ACTION: Do you feel you have to know everything? Observe yourself as a learner this week. Who do you know who is really good at practicing the art of being a learner? Talk to them about it this week.

Learn more about the above photo by Kendall Draeger below. Our thanks to Kendall for his use in this series called, “Leadership.” Credit is given for the influence provided in “Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown in these reflections. Learn more at BreneBrown.com.

Clemson University enjoying the beauty of Antigua Guatemala in preparation for their Global Health and Spanish language learning exchange.

Nursing Heart Friends,

It’s a very fitting MMM this week with the theme being ‘Learner’. Yesterday we welcomed the group from Clemson University who make up our first ever month long, combined Global Health and Language exchange program.

The dynamic group of 13 undergraduate nursing students, one public health student and three professors will enjoy a mix of language classes, education sessions regarding Guatemalan culture and history and focusing on the health needs and constraints of a developing country and the role NGOs can play in supporting health care.

The group will also support communities by providing School Wellness Clinics, Diabetes foot clinics and stove installations in various communities around Antigua, San Martín and Lake Atitlán.

Dr. Amerson from Clemson University and the NHI/ACE team have been preparing for this trip for over a year and we are all so excited to welcome them as we pilot this new and exciting program, whilst supporting them on their learning journey.

Keep up to date with our activities by following our Instagram and facebook accounts.

Questions and inquiries about how to get involved are always welcome.

Happy Monday,

Jade Parker-Manderson xx
Executive Director NHI/ACE

Support Nursing Heart’s Mission by making a donation.

Quote of the Week

“The heart of a learner becomes a soul to salvation”

Meaning: When you put your heart into learning something new, your soul becomes fulfilled and you and those that benefit from it because satisfied

Tamara DePascale BSN, RN
Registered Nurse and Nurse Educator – Florida, USA

About the Photographer

Kendall Draeger grew up in Kansas and received his first camera as a Christmas gift while in high school. After college he moved to Ohio to start his career and family. Photography has remained a hobby and nature is one of his favorite subjects. Family vacations with his wife and daughters would often be trips to state and national parks. Now that he and his wife Meg are empty-nesters, they continue to enjoy adventures to both local and distant scenic areas throughout the US.

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