
Next week, you can participate in our work in an imperative way. On #GivingTuesday, December 3, your contribution to Nursing Heart (NHI) will support amazing nurses and doctors in providing life-changing access to medical services for patients with chronic illness, women in need of specialized care, and underserved Guatemalan families in the region of San Martín Jilotepeque.

Together, this community of nurses, friends and supporters of Nursing Heart can make a big difference! A few dollars a month from across our community will add up quickly!

Copy of Save the Date Twitter 2019

Provide someone in Guatemala with a healthy future on #GivingTuesday.

You can ensure a healthy future for a patient seeking medical care.

Your gift on #GivingTuesday will help provide life-changing medical access to those without it and an unforgettable global experience to nurses and other providers.

You can help reach our goal of providing 600 patients with medical services through our work and the work of our nursing partners.

Here’s what your donation does for people seeking medical care in the regions around Antigua and San Martín Jilotepeque:


Provides a woman and her partner with women's and sexual health education and a personalized cervical cancer screening for her.


Provides 400 children with essential annual albendazole (anti-parasite) treatments.


Provides an entire family of 7 with a full medical exam and any treatment, vitamins and medicine.


Provides 40 diabetic and hypertensive patients with monthly care and medication they could not otherwise obtain.

Make your #GivingTuesday gift using the form below.

Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law and will fund the provision of medical care to families in Guatemala.

Questions or trouble with this form? Contact us at info@nursingheart.org.

Please share nursingheart.org/givingtuesday with your family and friends!

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