Nursing Heart Friends,
Sara and Cesar met recently with José Amilcar Vielman, the Development Coordinator for our friends at Hombres y Mujeres en Acción. They are offering us assistance as we initiate our long-time hoped-for process of engaging with Health Committees in the communities we serve.
Nursing Heart would like to assist in pueblos in a more consistent way especially when there are no teams in country. We are taking a slow approach in the development of the program.
We need resources to help us engage with the communities we serve. That is why we reached out to all of you in the past week and invited each of our Nursing Heart members to become monthly donors. We are so grateful for those who immediately responded to our general campaign for the future of Nursing Heart.
We have a goal to find 50 new persons who are willing to help us by making a monthly contribution. To be honest, we have a way to go to reach our goal. We are asking individuals to consider a $20 or $40 gift. But, we want to be very clear that any amount is appreciated. Some have made a $10 monthly gift and that is beautiful!
This kind of campaign happens once a year and I am personally grateful for your consideration. Learn more about the elements of this year’s campaign. CLICK HERE.
If you are ready to join us in serving the underserved communities of Guatemala you can do so right here. DONATE NOW!
We have tried very hard to be clear about the goals of this annual campaign. I hope you will join us in fulfilling our mission.