Nursing Heart Friends,
This was a powerhouse of a group; yes, small, but as Dr. Dian said about them, “This group was all in!” They made an impact in the two communities they served. They were our first nurse practitioner group for the season from Florida Atlantic University led by our colleague, Dr. Rhonda Goodman, PhD.
The team visited San Bartolomé in San Martín Jilotepeque on Monday and Tuesday. This clinic was done in conjunction with our friends at Hombres y Mujeres en Acción. And, on Thursday and Friday, we initiated another in San Felipe de Jesús just outside of Antigua. Here are the stats:
General clinic: Totals: 315 patients in the general clinic.
Women’s clinic: Totals: 123 women. Totals: 4 cryos in the clinic.
Though we like to offer services as many people as we can, numbers are not everything. What I really liked is that these nurses took their time with the patient and the patients left feeling that they had been cared for very well.
Take a look at a video summary of their work.
Both of these clinics were new and because they were new, they took extra attention. We can’t just walk into a clinical site. We had to first develop working respectful relationships in both communities. Our ACE team worked hard to establish those partnerships. We now turn to putting the finishing touches for the December FAU BSN group.
We are also looking forward as we turn to 2019 to moving ahead with a new initiative that we will be doing with the Health Committee in Pacoxpón. We will be assisted by nursing students from the School of Nursing at Johns Hopkins. More on all of this soon. Immediately following, we will have a new NP group from the University of Missouri at St. Louis under the direction of Dr. Natalie Murphy.
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