How I follow those who have had the previous shift tells my patient a lot about me. How I follow the examples of those who have touched my life does the same. Values and approaches to life are learned. In my role as a mentor, I want to remember this. It’s not so much about getting others to follow my every move. It’s more about inspiring a particular way of living in the world. Those who have gone before me made sacrifices so that I might know how to move forward in life with grace.
I follow the rules because it provides order and the confidence of others. Policies are developed as a body, and it’s better if I try to live them out, and that makes them real. Sometimes they may not seem very clear like a pond moving in the wind, and at other times they can be like mirrors. I follow policies and know now and then they may need my help to provide more clarity or a better focus.
Those who lead me can only do so if I follow them. It is something that I choose to do. Following them well also means that at times I will raise issues honestly and respectfully. People are served better and cared for more if I have respect for both leading and following.
Divine Light, give me the wisdom to know when to lead and when to follow. Help me to do whatever it takes to make the world a safer place and bring others together in harmony. Always committed to healing may I judge well what is just and right. AMEN.
ACTION: Consider your attitude towards rules. When are they helpful and when are they not? Who taught you your approach to rules and how do you mentor others about them? Talk to a young person about rules this week. |