DISCOVER — Monday Motivational Meditation #385 — 2018-12-24

From Nursing Heart Inc on December 24, 2018; #385

Monday Motivational Meditation

When we seek to discover the best in others,
we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.

William Arthur Ward, 1921-1994

Writer of inspirational maxims. More than 100 articles, poems and meditations written by Ward were published in such magazines as Reader’s Digest, The Phi Delta Kappan, and Science of Mind.


On the eve of Christmas, I am open to discovering new wonders. Like kids waking in the early morning and finding goodies waiting for them under the tree, I want to be open to surprises. I know there are still things out there that remain unseen or unknown. And, I can help my patients do the same. It’s a journey of hope. I will follow where my heart leads.

The challenge to me is to notice and have an attitude that can lead to discovering things I had not imagined. Many times things seem unconnected. It’s like putting a square peg in a round hole. But, believing that all things are connected, I am left free to discover what those things are.

This holiday season I am going to invite my patients and myself to let go of the expectations and set up the conditions that allow me greater insight, knowledge, and learning. There’s a lot in the world and in this season to be found. I’ll make these days fun and straightforward.

Light in my Darkness, give me a heart open to discover wonders unimagined. With an enthusiasm not of expectation but of surprise, help me to see in new ways how all things are connected. Confident in my willingness to give of myself, may I be open to receive the joy that these days have to offer and to share that joy with others. AMEN.

ACTION: Consider the greatest discovery you have ever made. And, what about the holidays? What discoveries have you made when celebrating them? Reminisce with someone this week about years gone by.

About the Photographers

Kass and Eric Mencher are documentary and fine art photographers currently living in Antigua, Guatemala. Kass worked for two decades for alternative weekly newspapers in the Philadelphia area and Eric was a photojournalist for the The Philadelphia Inquirer, where he covered a wide range of national and international assignments. Both now actively use Instagram to showcase their work and Eric is a member of the Instagram- based collective, Hikari Creative. The Menchers also teach photographic workshops, specializing in iPhone photography. They have both exhibited their work regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Kass and Eric have worked together on numerous projects, including life along the Lincoln Highway (the first cross-country road in the United States), contemporary life in Lake Atitlán and Antigua, and a series titled “Compañeros”, a juxtaposition of their images, usually as diptychs.

They said of their work, “We’re honored to share our diptychs here. To us, when these pictures are paired, they take on a different meaning than if viewed separately. We hope that not only do they share similar content to connect with each other graphically, but that they connect emotionally with the viewer, inspiring a deepened perspective of the world. They start a conversation that you wouldn’t have otherwise.”

Nursing Heart is grateful to Kass and Eric for permitting the use of these diptychs in this series called, “Follow.”

See more of their photography at the Instagram feeds:

Still with energy after almost 600 direct service contacts!

Nursing Heart Friends,

Ah to be young! The nursing students from FAU had so much charm and energy to share. They made these special days better for 12 families that received stoves, the diabetic patients who received foot care, and over 450 students who received a wellness check which included a fluoride treatment to prevent cavities. They entered into all these activities with confidence and poise. This season of giving was beautifully demonstrated by this group. Take a look at their special week. VIDEO.

I hope where ever the Christmas holiday finds you, perhaps at work or with your families, you will find lots of comfort and joy. Remember
you can help students like these from FAU through your donations which help us keep our costs as low as possible. Please consider a gift to Nursing Heart so that we can stay healthy in our service to others.

Please follow our activities on Facebook and at our website

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us in Guatemala.


Quote of the Week

If I discover a need in my patient,
it is my priority to address that need.

Jennifer Keim
BSN candidate
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, Florida

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