SEEK — Monday Motivational Meditation #384 — 2018-12-17

From Nursing Heart Inc on December 17, 2018; #384

Monday Motivational Meditation

When we seek to discover the best in others,
we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.

William Arthur Ward, 1921-1994

Writer of inspirational maxims. More than 100 articles, poems and meditations written by Ward were published in such magazines as Reader’s Digest, The Phi Delta Kappan, Science of Mind, and various Christian publications.


Finding solutions to the problems I encounter personally or in the service of others requires that I seek answers. I try because I know at this moment, with the energies I have, I can do something. Searching and questioning are required to find new and better ways of helping those who find themselves beset by illness or some other challenge that comes with living.

The seeking begins with an assessment of what resources I have at my disposal. I have to ask myself who are the experts who have researched this problem, and what answers are already out there before I begin. Reinventing the wheel is not something that is needed. If there are others who have traveled the winding path, I know they would want me to share in the answers they have found. Slowing the process down, and being okay with a slower pace, is sometimes exactly what I need to do to be able to see those answers that are right in front of me.

To seek to encounter new solutions to old problems takes courage. Being present at this moment, without fear and unrealistic desires, I set out to look for the ways to improve outcomes. I must also depend on the energies of good will and care that others in my company have. The journey to new beginnings is rarely made on my own. I will seek out those who would like to search with me.

Light of the Journey, be my peace in the constant search for new life and healing. As I seek paths that provide new avenues of hope, energize me with a commitment to care with all that I am; mind, body, and spirit. Lead by your light, help me guide those around me to seek and find the confidence that good things will come to pass with a heart that loves. AMEN.

ACTION: Consider the ways you seek new solutions to problems. Do you have a method? Put it into action this week.

About the Photographers

Kass and Eric Mencher are documentary and fine art photographers currently living in Antigua, Guatemala. Kass worked for two decades for alternative weekly newspapers in the Philadelphia area and Eric was a photojournalist for the The Philadelphia Inquirer, where he covered a wide range of national and international assignments. Both now actively use Instagram to showcase their work and Eric is a member of the Instagram- based collective, Hikari Creative. The Menchers also teach photographic workshops, specializing in iPhone photography. They have both exhibited their work regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Kass and Eric have worked together on numerous projects, including life along the Lincoln Highway (the first cross-country road in the United States), contemporary life in Lake Atitlán and Antigua, and a series titled “Compañeros”, a juxtaposition of their images, usually as diptychs.

They said of their work, “We’re honored to share our diptychs here. To us, when these pictures are paired, they take on a different meaning than if viewed separately. We hope that not only do they share similar content to connect with each other graphically, but that they connect emotionally with the viewer, inspiring a deepened perspective of the world. They start a conversation that you wouldn’t have otherwise.”

Nursing Heart is grateful to Kass and Eric for permitting the use of these diptychs in this series called, “Follow.”

See more of their photography at the Instagram feeds:

FAU BSNs arrived this past Thursday in Guatemala City.

Nursing Heart Friends,

For the third year in a row, Florida Atlantic BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) students have come to Guatemala having just completed their finals. Led by Dr. Rhonda Goodman and other faculty members, they have offered their care while learning about this beautiful country and the culture of its people. They arrived once again on Thursday. We at Nursing Heart admire them and are happy to help learn about this beautiful country and offer service.

On Thursday, they made the long trip from Guatemala City to Lake Atitlán where they did a wellness check for the students at Amigos de Santa Cruz. However, this is not only a wellness check for those young Guatemalans, but the BSN students also turn it into a holiday gathering making sure that each child participating receives a gift. It’s exceptional.

On Monday, they will install stoves and travel to San Martín Jilotepeque where we will offer another wellness check at one of the schools in the community. On Wednesday they will participate in our monthly diabetes and hypertensive clinic and later go to Jardín de Amor for the bi-annual wellness check we offer the students there in Santa María de Jesús. As these students return to Florida to celebrate the holidays, this year will hold special memories.

We can help students like these from FAU at affordable rates through your donations. Please consider a gift to Nursing Heart so we can stay healthy in our service to others.

Your support makes this possible.

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Quote of the Week

Nurses seek healing by finding pathways
that serve the whole of their patients lives.

Joan Morris, FNP
Private Practice in Mental Health
Adjunct Professor, Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, Florida

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