INTERPRET — Monday Motivational Meditation #401 — 2019-04-15

From Nursing Heart Inc on April 15, 2019; #401

Monday Motivational Meditation

“To copy Nature?
A boy with a camera can do that. To get the spirit of Nature?
A woodman or a shepherd can follow the trail of the whistling wind
to hoarded sunshine in the distant wolds.
But to interpret Nature
and inform it with a human personality that rises above it,
invokes the divine in it, is a work of genius.

Ameen Rihani, 1876-1940

Lebanese-American writer, intellectual and political activist. He was also a major figure in the mahjar literary movement developed by Arab emigrants in North America, and an early theorist of Arab nationalism.

See this image in 3D!


All the sides of a story, all its dimensions, need to be considered if I want to interpret the present situation for those I care for well. Part of my responsibility as a caregiver is to provide some meaning for what is happening, to explain it and elucidate it. That’s where all my studies experiences, and travels come into play. Helping my patients understand the incredible balancing act that their bodies are engaging in chemically and physically is a tremendous undertaking. Interpreting the situation in such a way that my patient can understand is where the art comes in.
My patient needs to know that particular medicines can cause specific side effects. For example, when a patient tells me she had a weird dream through the night, it can be helpful to reassure her that the medicine she took that night can cause the vivid dreams or even nightmares. I want to encourage those I’m helping by providing interpretations that help explain the side effect. I believe it’s a side of compassionate care.
Like a geologist interpreting rock formations, explaining the layers of meaning of one’s health status, though difficult especially when someone’s situation is terminal, helps them to embrace the experience with courage. Like being in a foreign country unable to speak the language, the interpreter brings the reassurance that the visitor will be able to find the way.
Divine Care, help me to bring clarity to those I care for by assisting them in interpreting all that they are facing. With compassion and kindness, may I be a light that helps them embrace their fears. Help my words and actions not get lost in translation but be a clear signal to them that they are not alone.
ACTION: What steps do you take to clearly interpret the meaning of a situation for your patients? What were the keep moments in the development of your approach? What are the signs that confirm for you that your patients understand your explanation? Do some extra work this week to check out the interpretations of your patients.
Learn more about the above photo by Alex Jones below. Click the link on the photo above to see it in three dimensions.

Seño Dalia Tasen, Sara y César en San Felipe de Jesús.

Nursing Heart Friends,
Over the last three months, one of the most impressive qualities of the organization that I have observed is the importance of the relationships with partners and communities and how we maintain, grow and nurture them.
It’s very easy to come in to a community once a year, hold a medical clinic and not see them until the next year. But that is not our mission.
“We build partnerships that foster hope and the public health of communities and participants.”
It’s through these relationships that we can truly understand the needs and desires of the communities, be accountable to them and provide continuity of care, long after the university groups have gone home. Our team goes out into the communities regularly (and we are working now on increasing this availability for more visits) to meet with the leaders, health communities, women’s leaders, schools.
Above is a photo with Seño Dalia, the School Director from San Felipe de Jesús. Sara and César visited last week to support and foster this relationship, in preparation for the School Clinic with the Florida Atlantic University BSN group in May. Seño Dalia said “she is very happy that NHI considered their community for a school wellness check…” This clinic in May will benefit 406 students.
For this reason, we are so very grateful to our wonderful donors who selflessly support our mission so that we can continue building strong relationships, strengthening communities and providing most needed health care in Guatemala.
Would you like to help? Click here and we look forward to welcoming you to the family.
Jade Parker-Manderson xx
Executive Director NHI/ACE

Quote of the Week
“Nurses interpret more than tests. We interpret body language, emotions and feelings with an open heart.”
Mara Scaramella, RN
Clinical Professor
Arizona State University
College of Nursing
About the Photographer
Alex Jones: Do you want to see something exciting? Click on the link under the photo and see the rock formation in 3D. “Clarity” is the name of this series and these photos will be provided for viewing in three dimensions and will help us mark these reflections. Nursing Heart would like to thank Alex Jones for inviting us to the incredible virtual world that he is creating with his art and science.
Alex is currently working in collaboration with a professor at Rice University. He writes the following about the project:
“André W. Droxler, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Earth Science and the director of the Center for the Study of Environment and Society. His research has focused on studying the morphology of and the sediments accumulating on slopes and basin floors surrounding coral reefs and carbonate platforms.
“He and I are currently working on a project documenting microbial reefs and outcrops that are around 500 million years old on a private ranch in Mason, Texas. We are using a process called photogrammetry. It’s the of process where one takes dozens, hundreds or thousands of photos (depending on the size of what you are documenting) in a very specific manner at specific angles, and patterns and then, using special computer software, you can turn them into a 3D model which people can rotate and zoom in and out on their computers, phones and tablets, as well as using virtual reality and augmented reality to walk around said documented piece.”

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