VALUE — Monday Motivational Meditation #408 — 2019-06-03

From Nursing Heart Inc on June 3, 2019; #408

Monday Motivational Meditation

One’s life has value so long as one attributes
value to the life of others,
by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion.

Simone de Beauvoir, 1908-1986

French writer, intellectual, existentialist philosopher, political activist, feminist and social theorist.

by Ron Noecker

It’s pretty easy to try too hard to prove myself. Learning that my caring heart and the unique gifts I bring have value is not always an easy task. I’m not good at everything, and embracing this fact with humility and confidence can make a big difference in becoming a team player. I know that offering proper care to those who are in need will require the gifts of many good people along with myself.

I want to be the kind of leader that values the members of my team by helping them to identify the unique gifts they bring to the caregiving. That will mean I have to notice the good things they do and encourage them to embrace them. We all have to do things that we may not feel the most qualified for but becoming part of a team environment where people know their strengths and support each other in leaning into their gifts makes for a delightful experience of offering service.

My life has value. I have to know that inside, and though I may fail, nothing can change that. Being a force that helps others know this as well is a way for me to know more deeply what I have to offer.

Love Eternal, awaken in me a more profound acceptance of my value. No longer trying to prove my abilities incessantly, give me the grace to walk with confidence as I care for the lives of those around me. Secure in the value of every person, help me to embrace my gifts with a willingness to share them with others. AMEN.

ACTION: List the particular gifts you bring to helping others. Look for the gifts in others this week. Share your findings with them. Ask them if they value what they bring to the team.

Learn more about the above photo by Kendall Draeger below. Our thanks to Kendall for his use in this series called, “Leadership.” Credit is given for the influence provided in “Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown in these reflections. Learn more at

Clemson Global Health Students and NHI staff at the school wellness clinic in San Martín.

Nursing Heart Friends,

The Global Health exchange group from Clemson University had a busy clinical week this week, attending a diabetes foot clinic, two school clinics in San Martín, a tour of the national hospital San Felipe de Jesús and a tour of the medical clinic at our partner NGO Hombres y Mujeres en Acción.

The first wellness clinic was at a small school in San Martín Jilotepeque, dedicated to the education of children with special needs. The school and children just captured our hearts with their constant hugs and big, big smiles. Later in the day we went to the local primary school of Sajcap for their yearly wellness clinic. In total between the two schools we attended 178 students performing nutrition and health assessments, dental education and application of fluoride.

It really is a blessing to have such great people dedicate their time to come to Guatemala and support our mission in providing medical care to where it’s most needed. We appreciate all of our nurse/medical volunteers and without them, we would not be able to carry out the work that we do.

Keep up to date with our programs by following our Instagram and facebook accounts.

Support Nursing Heart’s Mission by making a donation today. For as little as $5 a month, you can support children and families of rural Guatemala receive the health care they deserve.

Happy Monday,

Jade Parker-Manderson xx
Executive Director NHI/ACE

Dental education
About the Photographer

Kendall Draeger grew up in Kansas and received his first camera as a Christmas gift while in high school. After college he moved to Ohio to start his career and family. Photography has remained a hobby and nature is one of his favorite subjects. Family vacations with his wife and daughters would often be trips to state and national parks. Now that he and his wife Meg are empty nesters, they continue to enjoy adventures to both local and distant scenic areas throughout the US.

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