OPTIMISM — Monday Motivational Meditation #411 — 2019-06-24

From Nursing Heart Inc on June 24, 2019; #411

Monday Motivational Meditation

“One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay
to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life
can restore your faith in yourself.”

Lucille Ball, 1911-1989

American actress, comedian, model, entertainment studio executive and producer.

by Ron Noecker

Is the glass half full or half empty? I prefer to look at life with optimism. The majority of my patients want that from me. Helping them hold on to hope by being optimistic is important.And yet, it must be tempered by reality. My leadership as a provider can allow hope while being realistic about all the possible outcomes.

Knowing that things can and do go badly at times brings tension into the work of offering care. Being strong enough to hold hope and reality in a balance comes with age and wisdom, and I take each experience as a learning opportunity. I want to lean into them and not be afraid to see all sides. An attitude of optimism brings an acceptance that experience will teach me.

I don’t believe that the real world is the best of all possible worlds. But I do think I can hold the tension between promise and truth without becoming paranoid. I will keep believing that with persistent positive effort, things do progress to higher stages of value.

Divine Creator, help me to hold on to my belief that all of creation is charged with grandeur and ordered toward the good. Give me the optimism that never ceases to seek ways that bring healing and hope to all those to whom I offer care. AMEN.

ACTION: What keeps you optimistic? Consider the people you consider the most able to hold the tension between optimism and paranoia. What makes them great leaders? This week, send a note to someone who inspires your optimism.

Learn more about the above photo by Rosanna McGarrahan below. Our thanks to Rosanna for use in this series called, “Holding the Tension.” Credit is given for the influence provided in “Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown in these reflections. Learn more at BreneBrown.com.

11 Registered Nurses from Florida on their CEU program and their supervising doctors Goodman and Hain.

Nursing Heart Friends,

Registered Nurses have requirements to earn continuing education (CEU) points related to particular clinical topics (depending on the state). This means that every two years, they need to prove they have continued to study, and have the competence to maintain registration.

During this week in Guatemala, we hosted 11 Registered Nurses from Florida on the CEU program. Some of the activities were: participating in a school wellness clinic in Jaibalito, a school at Lake Atitlán that has minimal resources and no access to health care; and a foot clinic at a nursing home in San Martín.

Some of the nurses mentioned that the highlight of their trip was attending the old people at the nursing home run by two nuns on very few resources and little financial support. “The look of joy on their faces to just have visitors sit with them and talk with them was worth it.”

Foot clinic at the nursing home

Meanwhile, we also provided education sessions on the role of NGOs in Guatemala and the Social Determinants of Health, presented by Eleanor Unsworth, Program director at Wings Guatemala.

Dr. Goodman also used this opportunity to participate in the the opening ceremony of a school playground at Plazuela. Through some generous donations she received and in partnership with Hombres y Mujeres en Acción, this gift was made possible.

Play is such an essential part in child development, and a playground allows for gross motor skill development, plus it brings joy and happiness.

This donation will be treasured and will benefit the community for years to come. Thanks to everyone involved.

Sadly, this wraps up our medical trip season for 2018-2019. The team will continue to support communities with the diabetes clinic, albendazole treatments and the community enhancement project at Pacoxpon, San Martín, while evaluating and developing our public health programs.

We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been a part of our 2018-2019 season whether through physical presence, donations and support.

Have a lovely Monday,
Jade Parker-Manderson xx
Executive Director NHI-ACE

You can support us by making a monthly donation of just $5 or $10.

A little bit goes a long way.

Quote of the Week

“Optimism despite external circumstances
is the means by which positive change is made.”

Murphy Yoxall, Chloe Garrison, Sarah Finleyson,
Michelle Kunkle, and Lydia Martzin

Clemson University Nursing Students
Clemson, South Carolina

About the Photographer

Rosanna L. Kunkel McGarrahan is retired now after a long and varied work life. She writes,”I worked for Washington State, spent 8 years in the Air Force as a Chinese Linguist, and then nearly 27 years as an oncology nurse. I have always loved to travel, beginning with a year in Japan during high school. I love to see new places and make new friends. I still have my best friends since first grade. My friendship with my English Penpal has also lasted nearly 55 years. People say that I have a ‘passion for life.’ I just like to live life to the fullest and still have a long ‘bucket list.’ As exciting as my life has been so far, nothing compares to holding a newborn grandchild in my arms for the first time.

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