“Leadership is about vision and responsibility, not power.”
Seth Berkley
Medical epidemiologist by training. He is the CEO of the GAVI Alliance and a global advocate on the power of vaccines.
LEADING by Ron Noecker
Leading with heart means that I will have to deal with my hurt. If I choose not to deal with it, especially as someone trying to help others, it’s going to get pretty messy. To lead from a place of vulnerability, that recognizes that I am a product of many inputs starting with my own family, requires my courage.
Indeed, the kind of appreciation I want from those I help is often what I didn’t have as a kid. Leading with my heart, requires I take a look at my expectations and understand that many of the things I need today were gaps that developed years ago. If I can know these gaps and find strategies to recognize them, I just might learn how to fill them without putting them on the backs my patients or my colleagues.
Leading from strength with a heart of love can heal. The power I want to bring is not the kind that overpowers others or shames them into submission. I want to be a leader who is free and gives others the freedom to be themselves while working together in harmony. This is the path I choose. It’s not the easiest one.
Divine Love, leading me to recognize your presence in all people and things, may I have the courage to let this energy guide me in my care for others. In freedom and peace, may my leadership bring healing. AMEN.
ACTION: Think about the things you look for through your leading opportunities. When is the last time you assessed the reasons behind your approach? Have a conversation this week with someone whom you consider would be a good mentor of your leadership style.
Learn more about the above photo by Kendall Draeger below. Our thanks to Kendall for his use in this series called, “Leadership.” Credit is given for the influence provided in “Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown in these reflections. Learn more atBreneBrown.com.
Clemson University ending the month-long Guatemalan adventure with a trip to Tikal.
Nursing Heart Friends,
On Saturday we finished up our first ever month-long Certificate in Global Health partnership program with Clemson University. It’s amazing how fast a month flies by.
“The program moves beyond the standard “language and culture” model of study abroad to provide an interprofessional and integrated approach to the challenge of health care delivery across global settings. Focused on the societal issues that influence health care in low resource countries, this program will prepare students to address health disparities in domestic or international settings.” Clemson University
On Wednesday, the group was able to celebrate the completion of the program and fly to the famous ruins of Tikal.
Tikal is an important ceremonial and cultural centre in Guatemala. It became the greatest city in the Maya world with a population of perhaps 100,000. Most of the city’s huge temples were constructed during the eighth century AD. The group was able to do a day tour and a sunrise tour in the National Park whilst learning about the importance of the Maya civilisation and the spiritual significance of the temples to round up this indigenous history. The group, including our staff, returned exhausted but happy.
Final Spanish classes in Antigua
We can gladly say on behalf of the NHI team and Drs. Roxanne and Tracy that this pilot program was a huge success and we look forward to continuing it in the future. A very big thanks to Dr. Roxanne Amerson for entrusting Nursing Heart with your Certificate in Global Health Program and to all of our local partners for continuing to support us in bringing health care, love and kindness to the people of Guatemala we serve.
Happy Monday, Jade Parker-Manderson xx
Florida Atlantic University CEU Nurses
Next week: What has our CEU group been up to? Hint: It involves School clinics with a new partner-school at Lake Atitlán, a foot clinic at a nursing home in rural Guatemala AND how people from around the US and Guatemala came together to do something very special for an under-resourced school in La Plazuela, San Martín.